[+] Help >> Use ORNL DAAC WMS Service in Python

Use ORNL DAAC WMS Service in Python

Install Python Package

Usage Examples

Install Python Package

OGC Web Service utility library: OWSLib

  • PyPI:
    $ easy_install OWSLib
  • Git:
    $ git clone git://github.com/geopython/OWSLib.git
  • openSUSE:
    $ zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/openSUSE_12.1/ GEO
    $ zypper refresh
    $ zypper install owslib
  • CentOS:
    $ wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/CentOS_6/Application:Geo.repo
    $ yum install owslib
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux:
    $ wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/RHEL_6/Application:Geo.repo
    $ yum install owslib

Usage Examples

Connect to ORNL DAAC WMS service:

>>> from owslib.wms import WebMapService
>>> wms=WebMapService('http://webmap.ornl.gov/ogcbroker/wms', version='1.1.1')
>>> wms.identification.type
>>> wms.identification.title

List available layers:

>>> list(wms.contents)

Find details of a WMS layer:

% retrieve the layer object by id: '10006_1'
>>> layer = wms['10006_1']

% descriptive title of this layer
>>> layer.title
'AVHRR Landcover'

% bounding box (in WGS84) of this layer
(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)

% coordinate reference systems (CRS) supported by this layer
>>> layer.crsOptions
['EPSG:54003', 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:54008', 'EPSG:54009', 'EPSG:9822']

% list styles supported by this layer
>>> layer.styles
{'default': {'legend': 'http://webmap.ornl.gov/ogcbroker/wms?version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&layer=10006_1&format=image/png&STYLE=default',
'title': 'default'}}

Operations, their URLs, and available formats

% list all operations supported by ORNL DAAC WMS
>>> [op.name for op in wms.operations]

% get GetMap operation object
>>> op = wms.getOperationByName('GetMap')

% methods supported by GetMap operation
>>> op.methods
{'Get': {'url': 'http://webmap.ornl.gov/ogcbroker/wms?'},
'Post': {'url': 'http://webmap.ornl.gov/ogcbroker/wms?'}}

% image formats supported by GetMap operation
'image/png; mode=24bit',

Make a request for imagery

% send the request
>>> img = wms.getmap(   
      bbox=(-180, -90, 180, 90),
      size=(600, 300),

% save image in a local file
>>> out = open('/tmp/avhrr.png', 'wb')
>>> out.write(img.read())
>>> out.close()

% result

Fig. 1: AVHRR Landcover

Make a request for legend image

% Note: OWSLib currently (as of 03/29/2013) doesn't fully support the request for layer legend image. Below is a walkaround in Python.

% get legend image URL
>>> legend_url = layer.styles['default']['legend']

% retrieve legend image
>>> import urllib
>>> urllib.urlretrieve(legend_url, '/tmp/avhrr_legend.png')

% result

Fig. 2: Legend of AVHRR Landcover